Saudi Arabia : Shaolin Warriors Live Show
The showcase featured amazing Wushu and Shaolin Kung Fu demonstrations developed in China throughout the centuries. The performers are unique cultural artisans who have dedicated their lives perfecting their craft. In addition to stunning choreography and martial arts acrobatics, the presentation also included numerous traditional Kung Fu weapons. The Shaolin Warriors demonstrated their unique fighting abilities under the guidance of Shifu Hu Zheng Sheng, a revered Kung Fu master in China. Each segment featured unique color schemes and beautiful motion graphics. With compelling music and awe-inspiring haze, smoke, and fog elements, the Shaolin Warriors live showcase was a unique experience for citizens of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Wushu Shaolin Entertainment Show
Wushu Shaolin Entertainment offers professional Lion Dance, Dragon Dance, and Shaolin Kung Fu performances. The company serves as a talent agency gathering the leading Kung Fu performers to provide clients with the most professional demonstration troupe in the world. Our team of performers includes Shaolin Temple Kung Fu Monks, Black Belt Martial Artist, and industry standard Lion and Dragon Dance performers.
If you are interested in booking a Lion Dance or Dragon Dance performance please examine the convenient chart bellow. We have various prices depending on the number of lions or size of the Dragon. For performances outside of Los Angeles please contact Wushu Shaolin Entertainment for further details.